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张亮 副教授
发布日期:2022-04-15 作者:张亮



姓名                    张亮


学历                    博士

专业                    水生生物学

出生年月            19813

联系方式            zhangliang@ynu.edu.cn                     zhangliang07_08@163.com



2020.12-至今    云南大学生态与环境学院 /高原湖泊生态与治理研究院     副教授             

2015.06-2020.11  加拿大温莎大学生物系                       Research Associate   

2013.12-2014.03 加拿大安大略省自然资源和林业厅水生态研究部  Research Biologist

2011.07-2012.06  国立台湾大学海洋研究所                              博士后

2009.04-2010.12  加拿大女王大学(Queen’s University)环境系            博士后

2008.02-2009.03  中科院地理科学与资源研究所                          博士后

2007.07-2008.01  水利部中科院水工程生态研究所                    助理研究员




2001.09-2007.06    中科院水生生物研究所  水生生物学(硕博连读)  理学博士

1997.09-2001.06    河南农业大学          微生物学(本科)        理学学士



1.      Zhang, L., Li, H*….Yang H.*, 2022. Characterizing the SemiVolatile Organic Compounds in Runoff from Roads and Other Impervious Surfaces in a Suburban Area of Beijing. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 82, 227-238.

2.      Zhao, Y.*, Zhang, L., Wang, C., Xie, C. 2020. Biology and ecology of Grass Carp in China: A review and synthesis. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 40: 1379-1399.

3.      Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Hein-Griggs, D., Janes, T., Tucker, S., Ciborowski, J.J.H., 2020. Climate change projections of temperature and precipitation for the Great Lakes Basin using the PRECIS regional climate model. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46, 255-266.

4.      Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Hein-Griggs, D., Barr, L., Ciborowski, J.J.H., 2019. Projected extreme temperature and precipitation of the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. Global and Planetary Change. 172, 325-335.

5.      Zhang, L., Zhao, Y., Hein-Griggs, D., Ciborowski, J.J.H., 2018. Projected monthly temperature changes of the Great Lakes Basin. Environmental Research. 167, 453-467.

6.      Zhang, L., Vanderhorst, K., Kyser, K., Campbell, L., 2018. Diet assimilation trends and host-parasite relationships in two species of sunfish (Lepomis) revealed by stable isotope analyses of multiple tissues. Parasitology Research. 117, 1043-1049.

7.      Zhang, L., Yuan, R., Song, X., Xia, J. 2018. Spatial variation of stable isotopic composition in surface waters of the Huai River basin, China and the regional hydrological implication. Hydrology Research. 49, 1452-1466.

8.      Li, H., Wang, Y., Liu, F., Tong, L., Li, K., Yang, H.*, Zhang, L.*, 2018. Volatile organic compounds in stormwater from a community of Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution. 239, 554-561.

9.      Zhang, L., Campbell, L.M., Johnson, T.M. 2012. Seasonal variation in mercury and food web biomagnification in Lake Ontario, Canada. Environmental Pollution. 161, 178-184.

10.   Zhang, L., Song, X., Xia, J. Yuan, R., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., Han, D., 2011. Major element chemistry of the Huaihe River basin, China. Applied Geochemistry. 26, 293-300.

11.    Zhang, L., Tang, Q., Liu, H., 2008. Phylogeny and speciation of the eastern Asian cyprinid genus Sarcocheilichthys. Journal of Fish Biology. 72: 1122-1137.

12.     Zhang, L., Xu, J., Xie, P., Zang, X., Qiu, G., Zeng, J., 2007. Stable isotope variations in particulate organic matter and a planktivorous fish in the Yangtze River. Journal of freshwater Ecology. 22(3): 382-386.

13.   Zhang, L., Zang, X., Xie, P., Xu, J., Zhu, Z., Su, J., 2007. Mercury bioaccumulation in fishes of Three Gorges Reservoir after impoundment. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 78: 262-264.

14.   Xu, J., Xie, P., Zhang, M, Zhou, Q., Zhang, L., Wen, Z., Cao, T., 2007. Icefish (Salangidae) as an Indicator of Anthropogenic Pollution in Freshwater Systems Using Nitrogen Isotope Analysis. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 79, 323-326.

15.   Yuan, R., Song, X., Han, D., Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, B., Long, X. and Yu, Y., 2012. Rate and historical change of direct recharge from precipitation constrained by unsaturated zone profiles of chloride and oxygen-18 in dry river bed of North China Plain. Hydrological Processes. 26, 1291-1301.

16.   Yuan, R., Song, X., Han, D., Zhang, L., Wang, S., 2013. Upward recharge through groundwater depression cone in piedmont plain of North China Plain. Journal of Hydrology. 500. 1-11.

17.   Long, X., Zhang, K., Yuan, R., Zhang, L., Liu, Z., 2019. Hydrogeochemical and isotopic constraints on the pattern of a deep circulation groundwater flow system. Energies. 12, 404.






1 水体水质净化与生态恢复技术研究;

2 区域气候变化、碳中和、碳减排研究;

3 水生态系统对气候变化的响应;

4 湖泊生态、鱼类生态;

5 外来物种入侵机制和防控技术。


1.       云南大学人才引进经费200万(主持);

2.       云南省科技厅“云南高原湖泊生态保护关键技术研究及示范项目”子课题-“云南九大高原湖泊中外来物种的历史、现状和对策”经费30万(主持);

3.       中科院先导项目子课题-“多重胁迫下长江水系鱼类群落退化机制与恢复对策”经费48万(主持);

4.       云南省重点研发项目“气候变化条件下高原深水湖泊生态系统响应机制及生态安全保障技术研究与应用”子课题-“洱海鱼类调控对洱海水质改善和食物网的影响”经费60万(主要参与)。


